Tax Due Dates
This is where you’ll find most answers. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Important Dates for Individuals and Trusts
- Filing due dates for tax returns
- Balance owing
- When do you have to pay your installments?
- Pay in person at Canada Post
- GST/HST credit: calculation and payments
- Child and family benefits calculator
- Child and family benefits
- Important dates for RRSP, HBP, LLP and RDSP
- Due date for paying a balance owing on a T1-OVP - Individual Income Tax Return for RRSP Excess Contributions
- Due date for a balance owing on the final return of a deceased person
- Due date for a balance owing on your T3 Trust Income Tax and Information Return

Important Dates for Corporations
- Normal reassessment period - The normal period of reassessment for your T2 retrun depends on whether or not the corporation was a Canadian-controlled private corporation.
- Extended reassessment period - CRA can reassess your T2 return up to three years beyond the normal period in certain situations.
- Unlimited reassessment period - CRA can reassess your T2 return at any time in a certain situations.
- You have 90 days from the date of the notice of assessment or reassessment to file a formal objection. See resolving disputes for more information.
Refund interest
- When CRA refunds or applies an overpayment, CRA pays refund interest from certain dates.
- CRA will calculate late payment interest, refund interest, or both, for the carryback from 30 days after certain dates. See effect of a carryback on interest for more information.
- Within 45 days of incorporation, you should receive a notice confirming your business number (BN) and summary of accounts including your corporation income tax program account.
Fiscal period
- The corporation's tax year is its fiscal period. See determining your corporation's tax year for more information.
Tax year-end
- A corporation can use a calendar year for the GST/HST account or use the same fiscal period as the corporation income tax account.